Mr Carlos Huo, She's Your Wife

Chapter 216 Find Her

Holding Carlos' phone, Megan said to him, "Uncle Carlos, the reception in the room is bad. I'll take the call outside."

"Okay," Carlos responded.

Megan hung up the phone and walked out of the private booth. She was about to call Tristan again when Carlos' phone started ringing. It was an unknown number.

Megan stared at the number, wondering, 'Who's this? Why are they calling on Carlos' private number?' She decided to answer the call. "Hello?" she said.

At the other end of the line, Debbie recognized the girl's voice. She smiled bitterly and said, "Put my husband on the phone."

Megan had been nervous the whole afternoon, worrying that she would be held responsible if Debbie was dead. Now that she heard Debbie's voice, she heaved a sigh of relief. 'Thank God. She's not dead.'

"Uncle Carlos doesn't want to talk to you right now." Megan lowered her tone to a whisper. As far away as Carlos was, he was definitely out of earshot. The whisper was a voice that only she and Debbie could hear. The girl glanced around warily.

But Debbie wasn't happy. 'Doesn't want to talk to me? Who's this bitch to decide whom he talks to?!' "Put him on the phone!" Debbie demanded, balling her hands into fists. If Megan were standing in front of her right now, she would put one of those fists to good use—punching her in the face.

"Uncle Carlos is in a bad mood. He really doesn't want to talk to you. It took hours for me to make him smile even a little. Just leave him alone. Moreover, Uncle Carlos told me to answer the call for him. He even told me how to unlock his phone. Just go away."

"So... how do you unlock his phone?" Debbie doubted what she said. Anything Megan said was suspect at this point.

To her surprise, Megan recited the new password to get into Carlos' phone—Debbie's birthday. She'd set it only a few days ago. Now, she had to believe Megan was telling the truth. Heartbroken, she hung up the phone quickly.

But Megan's performance had only just begun. Still holding the phone to her ear, she pushed open the door to the private booth and said in a persuasive tone, "Aunt Debbie, hang on. Why don't you tell Uncle Carlos that yourself? Hello? Aunt Debbie?"

Carlos opened his eyes suddenly when he heard Megan's words. Megan showed him the conversation log while holding the phone with trembling hands. "Aunt Debbie called from an unknown number. I thought it was Tristan, so I answered it, but it turned out to be Aunt Debbie. She asked me to tell you that she wouldn't be home tonight and then hung up."

Carlos took the phone and glared at the number silently for a long moment before he called Debbie, but he didn't get through; it went straight to voice mail.

He hung up in disgust and then dialed the unknown number. A woman answered the phone. "Hello?"

is Debbie Nian?" Carlos asked coldly.


from the couch.

"I don't know. Her boyfriend carried her in his arms. It was so sweet. Lucky her! My husband and I

rawer and more powerful emotions, and

to the woman holding the baby. Just then, Hayden was back with the receipt after paying the

were not far behind. "Deb, I asked them to get you a ward. Come

felt groggy. She nodded to Hayden and attempted to stand up. However, a surge of dizziness forced her to thump

hospital had been packed with

pulling some strings, Hayden managed to get Debbie into an

the ward, Hayden placed Debbie on the bed carefully and tucked her in. A

In Orchid Private Club

mad he was at her. He still cared for the woman, though sometimes he thought

she is! Now!" he told Emmett on the phone. Emmett knew exactly

found Debbie, it was already

of Y City Second General

of men in black stalked through the

on either side of the hallway. Imagining Debbie in such terrible surroundings, he quickened his already hasty pace.

of their attention from the patients and their families. Their looks and presence

to a double ward, after which Carlos walked in

door, and a man sat next to it, head resting on the edge of

in deep sleep. She was hooked up to an IV, a needle

the bed, working. Seeing Carlos

With a stern look on his face, Carlos said nothing to Hayden either. He strode over to the bed and stared at Debbie. She was the point. She was what he had come for.

red. The bandage around her forehead was blood-stained. The fluid in the infusion

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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