Mr Carlos Huo, She's Your Wife

Chapter 215 Be More Tolerant Towards Her

Delicately holding two glasses of wine, Curtis walked towards his buddies. "I've managed to bring only one extra glass," he said while taking a sip from the glass in his right hand. Then he placed the second glass on the desk before them and added, "Whoever grabs this first will have it. The rest of you can fetch your own."

They all took it as a joke. Since when did they have to compete for a glass of wine?

But even before he loosened his grip, Damon grabbed the glass, went to the couch and said casually, "Well, seems I'm the lucky one." Then in the same casual manner, he sat next to Megan and offered her the glass. "Little angel, you can have this," he said with a sideways glance at Curtis.

"Hey, are you trying to impress her with the wine that I've just brought for you? Shame on you!" Curtis reprimanded.

"Thank you, Uncle Damon, but I don't feel like drinking." Megan declined his offer politely. She sat with her fingers interlocked under her chin, seeming very preoccupied.

"You were fine just a moment ago. What happened?" Damon asked curiously.

Casting a pitiful glance at Carlos, who was still smoking, Megan complained, "Aunt Debbie doesn't seem to like me. She even had a fight with Uncle Carlos over me. I feel so sad..."

Carlos flicked the ashes from his cigarette and said indifferently, "It has nothing to do with you."

Poor at reading moods, Damon consoled Megan, "It's okay. Pepper Nian is an odd woman. As far as I know, she has only a few friends. Besides, our Megan is so adorable. I can't see how anyone could not like you. Don't think about it too much." He stroked her hair gently.

But the comments rubbed two of his friends the wrong way. Carlos looked at him with burning eyes and asked, "Who is the odd woman? I dare you to repeat it."

Gruffly, Curtis snatched the glass of wine from Damon's hand, poured the wine into his own glass, and snapped, "Boy, you have the nerve to speak ill of Debbie before Carlos! Try that one more time, and I swear, he'll beat the crap out of you!"

Instantly, Damon regretted his mistake. Why would he cross Carlos? To make up for his error, he went to the wine cabinet and brought the other glasses of wine that Curtis had poured for them. "I'm sorry, Carlos. You know how clumsy I sometimes get in expressing myself. Guys, let's forget that dry joke and drink."

They clinked glasses and settled down to some chitchat.

Turning to Curtis, Carlos asked, "I've already gone through all the formalities for Debbie to study abroad. How about you?"

somewhat not in favor of the idea, made an incredulous face and asked, "You want her

cigarette, Carlos shook his

at Debbie for her refusal to have his baby and her insistence on taking birth control pills, he didn't want to have her

were chatting, Megan went to the bathroom, inserted an anonymous SIM card into her phone, and dialed a

to Carlos' office, the men were

the first to notice something was not right with Megan. "You

staring at her with curious eyes. Flustered, she looked away and

and more composed when she dropped her hands, no one around bothered to press further. Briefly, Carlos

them. "I envy Miss Lan

two, but four high-class men, everyone

on her the most. Did you hear the rumor that Miss

Huo is nicer to Miss Lan than to Mrs. Huo. Miss Lan must have saved the


At Orchid Private Club

bade his friends adieu, unable to stay with

denied him time for

of his crew settled down to whine, amid chitchat. But Damon didn't stay long either. About two or three glasses later, he too excused himself. "Hey, guys, will you excuse me? I need to go back home and keep my wife company.

Megan and Carlos in the private

drink. After he and Curtis finished a bottle of fine Chinese spirits, the latter got a call from Colleen. As he stood to leave, Curtis had a hunch that Carlos might want to stay at the booth a little longer, so he reminded Megan to watch on him. "In case he gets two extra glasses after I'm gone, please don't let him drive. I know Emmett will be on standby, so you can call him to drive the two of you any time," he advised and walked out of the

need to kindly talk to me, I'll be more than willing

his glass, Carlos asked, "How did you know she took birth control pills? Tell

staring at Megan, sternness was

at the question. "I-I saw it... with my own eyes. Uncle Carlos, you don't

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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