Mr Carlos Huo, She's Your Wife

Chapter 214 Saving Grace

Carlos had been nice to Debbie all this time, and she really couldn't die like this.

Her will to live was so strong that she found the strength to swim upwards again.

After what felt like an eternity, she could breathe again. She took several breaths and shouted for help. "Help me..." Her voice could hardly be heard. She grabbed onto one of the concrete supports of the bridge and hung on for dear life.

Many people gathered on the bridge, and more people were arriving. A first-aid team arrived as well.

The moment she emerged from the water, someone saw her. "Look! Someone's there!"

Debbie was too tired, and when her fingers slipped from the concrete and she sank into the water again, she heard several people jump into the river.

Her chest burned like fire. She had no strength left at all; she closed her eyes and stopped struggling.

'Carlos Huo, I'm sorry...' Then she lost consciousness.

Debbie was awakened by the cold. She blinked, but the light was so blinding that she closed her eyes to stop the headache she felt coming on.

She heard people talking in her ear. Opening her eyes slowly again, she saw the blue sky.

'Am I still alive?' she thought.

"She's awake!" said a strange voice. "Is the ambulance here? She woke up!"

"Girl, are you all right?"

Debbie nodded by instinct. But she felt very cold, both physically and mentally. She was shivering, and for some reason, she was getting hot flashes. She wasn't sure why.

Someone helped her to her feet. She then noticed that she was wearing a man's coat. It was part of a uniform and had patches on it as well as a name badge. It must belong to someone on the first-aid team. Underneath, she was still wearing her wet knit shirt.

She heard the ambulance approaching, and some men gathered around her when it arrived. She was bidden to lie down on a stretcher and was carried into the ambulance by several men.

In the hospital

hall itself was overflowing with patients. A nurse bound her head, and then set her up with an

to pay for your treatment!" the nurse demanded in a loud voice with a wad of test results in her hand.

entirely with it, and didn't hear the nurse at first. Not until the nurse called her several times did she come back

of IV fluid," the nurse said impatiently. She was practically yelling, like Debbie was deaf or something. Debbie opened her mouth, but before she could respond,

much is it?" She raised her head

have to stop meeting like this,

at her with burning eyes.

If she needs more IV fluids, that's a total of $2, 100. Here's the bill. The cashier's window is on

the bill from the nurse and said with a friendly smile,

towards Debbie, was charmed by Hayden's handsome face and his impeccable manners. Although she was wearing a mask, you

down and looked at Debbie. "Are you okay? What happened? And whose coat is this?"

talk, Debbie

bill. Wait for me here," he

you," she croaked. After her experiences, she was still shook.

followed by Portia. Debbie could hear Portia berating Hayden. "Why did you help her? Look what she's done to you! Hayden,

driver to send you back home, okay? You don't need to be here,"

and Portia were out of earshot did

wanted to stop Portia and ask her what she had done to Hayden.

her, "Excuse me, miss, may I borrow your phone?

there was a blood-stained bandage around her head. The woman took out her phone and gave it to Debbie. She had no doubt that Debbie needed it

her and dialed Carlos'

directly to his office after he

After he lit the first one, he took a drag and let his chagrin float away with the smoke. He was still smoking when some unexpected guests entered

It's rather

had the guts to

him," said Curtis. He knew Carlos well, and he felt he should

on the couch and fixed his eyes on Carlos, wondering why he looked

and Megan sat opposite Curtis, and both of them stared at Carlos, who had just tapped his cigarette on the ashtray to get rid

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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