Mr. Kane Got Blacklisted

Mr. Kane Got Blacklisted By Eleven Jewell Chapter 8

Chapter 8

he was going to bore a hole through her. Bella felt the hairs on the back of her neck stand. However, Keegan merely reminded her, “Your manager’s here.” Bella snapped back to reality. She looked out the window and saw her manager waving at her. She frowned. She initially wanted Keegan to send her home. However, Keegan’s assistant— Aldor Hart—had already opened the door and was beckoning her to get out. At this point, Bella could not shamelessly ask to stay. She bade Keegan goodbye and got out of the car without forgetting to give Aldor a deathly glare. “Where to, Mr. Kane?” Keegan pinched the bridge of his nose and said tiredly, “Home.” He had not been sleeping well for the past few days. To be precise, ever since Stella moved out of the house. He felt annoyed once more at the thought of her. Keegan twisted a bottle of water open. He took a sip and frowned, “Plain water?” Aldor explained, “The tea bags that madam gave are all used up. The new ones haven’t been stocked up yet. I’ll call madam later.” Keegan paused and coolly responded, “There’s no need for that.” ‘If I go find that woman, she’ll say things that’ll piss me off again!’ he thought. Then, he took another sip of water. For some reason, the plain water he had been drinking for the past twenty-something years had become unpalatable. ‘Did plain water always taste this bad?’ wondered Keegan. They arrived at Royalpark Villa. Just as Keegan got out of the car, Aldro retrieved a beautiful gift box from the car. Then, he handed the gift box to Keegan. “Mr. Kane, the bag you pre-ordered two months ago has arrived.”  ‘A bag that costs over four million dollars. It’s like carrying a house around. My worldviews are constantly being changed while I’ve been working here for the past few years,’ Aldor thought. “When madam sees it, she’ll definitely like it.” Keegan unfurrowed his brows slightly. However, he coldly said, “How could she not like something she wanted?” Aldor raised his eyebrows but did not speak. ‘I’ve never heard madam say she wants this bag. But, she did say that the bag looked nice while she was reading a magazine in the car one time. That very night, Mr. Kane asked me to purchase the bag. Since there wasn’t any stock

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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