Chapter 615 What’s Going On?

Harley gently stroked Nina’s shoulder and comforted her, “Now, now, don’t cry. You are pregnant. The doctor just said that you shouldn't be too emotional. Try to calm down for the sake of your baby, OK?”

Nina nodded. She tried hard not to cry, but she failed.

Ariana was pushed into the ICU, and Nina returned to her ward.

She gawked at the ceiling while thinking about what had happened in the Paul’s home today. If she had known this would happen, she should not have thrown a tantrum at Ariana at that time.

But it was too late. Ariana was already lying on the bed.

Nina didn’t know when Ariana would wake up...

Maybe Ariana would never wake up again...

Thinking of this, Nina felt almost desperate. She picked up her phone and rummaged through the address book for a long time. In the end, she called Melissa.


Nina heard a familiar voice coming from the other end of the line. Nina lost control again. She trembled and cried sadly.

“Nina, what's wrong? Why are you crying?”

Melissa was anxious. “Did Harley bully you?”

Nina sniffed and said while sobbing, “No... Ariana is sick. The doctor said that she might become a vegetable.”

Nina's bedding was already wet.

“How could it be?”

Melissa raised her voice. She could hardly believe it.

“It’s all my fault. I shouldn't have made her worry.”

Melissa stood up and looked at her watch. “Don’t be upset. Wait for me. I’ll be right there.”

phone and immediately booked a flight back

was still sobbing, as

heartbroken. She walked over and patted Nina on the shoulder. She

doctor made a mistake. Mrs. Paul is a lucky

again while trying

want to cry,

“Don’t worry. It’s going to work


her head

you forgotten who I

made Nina feel much more at

she forget that Melissa's medical

there was still

stopped crying and went to Ariana’s ward

infusion could be heard, which somehow made people feel

you sure about

looked at Melissa, who was the

“Trust me.”

and sat down. She pulled up Ariana’s eyelid and stroked Ariana’s hand. Melissa’s face was serious, and she

anxious, yet she didn’t dare to

a long while, Melissa put

know what to

was, Nina

but I think we still stand a chance. I can use my special treatment. Don't worry. Mrs. Paul will

Nina was finally

for her treatment. Though she didn't have a lot, the

then used her thumb to press Ariana's upper lip. After that, she rubbed Ariana’s

Ariana's toes,

“Her finger!”

her mouth. She was afraid that she would interfere

Nina to keep quiet. Otherwise,

also revealed a rare smile. She continued

while, Ariana’s hand

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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