Chapter 717 The internal energy of the tire is unstable

All the servants that were around, ran to the pier quickly and reported the issue to the security guards. The security guards immediately searched around them, and soon, several of them boarded the ship.

Melissa’s heart was pounding. The footsteps of the security guards behind her were getting closer, and she curled her petite body under the cockpit control table, covering herself with a chair.

However, this position she was in, made her very uncomfortable, and her lower abdomen began to ache.

Melissa fought back and continued to hide in the cockpit.

Soon, the security guards came to the cockpit. Melissa was well hidden, but she was suffocating, which quickly attracted the attention of the security guards.

‘’I’ve found her. Mrs Melissa is here” one of the guards said. He reported that her heart was beating very fast, Several security guards searched back and forth in the cockpit, and soon came to the operating table..

They found a woman’s hair on the seat. The captain of the ship was a male, so there was no way that that would have been his hair. There was no doubt, tha the hair was that of Melissa.

Melissa closed her eyes tightly, and the next second, the security guard pulled the chair away and saw her curled up under the table at a glance.

“Mrs.Melissa,” he yelped.

He hurriedly helped Melissa up, but at this time Melissa was emotional and quickly dodged, trying to avoid the security guard’s touch.

“Do not touch me!” she said.

During the struggle, Melissa’s knee slammed into the table next to her. Melissa cried out in pain, when she was curled up inside, she had some pain in her lower abdomen. For a while, the stinging pain from her lower abdomen became more intense.

Melissa clutched her lower abdomen, and there was a little cold sweat on her forehead. The security guards panicked and immediately helped Melissa out of the boat, and called a doctor.

Soon, Melissa was sent back to her room again, she was lying on the bed, and the cold sweat on her forehead kept coming out.

The doctor sat on the side to check Melissa’s pulse, and his color was also extremely nervous. On the way, Mr. Marc kept telling himself that if Melissa really made a mistake, he was afraid that it would not end well for her.

going?” Mr

door of Melissa’s room and entered. He was awakened by the anxious servant outside the door when Melissa ran away., when he heard that Melissa was gone, he was completely drowsy, and rushed to her

Melissa, several servants went outside and poured some

the baby was stressed and reacting to

the child was not very stable, and now there was such a commotion. Mr Marc hoped that the

want you and your child to die? This is your child we are speaking of here. Are you

gronned sarcastically, and sneered at

know this is my child, so why are you

never felt so bad in her life. Seeing that Mr Marc had the upper hand, she walked away, but he caught her

was in a bad mood, Mr. Marc tried

doing this for your own good. You are pregnant with the Gibson family’s child, so naturally you need to take care of the baby.” he

her eyes were full

this excuse to prevaricate me, this place will only make me more

take good care of your baby here, otherwise, if something goes wrong with my

not only for Melissa, but also

these words came out, everyone around lowered their heads, only

not raise this

these words, she felt pale and instantly looked uninterested in

was completely

naturally had to

Mr. Marc left the room. He knew that if he continued to argue with her like this, the child in her womb

at the servant beside him. The emotions of a pregnant woman also had a great impact on the child. If Melissa continued like this, it

Mr. Marc returned home

psychiatrist had been working with Murray, and his medical skills were superb o the extent that even Mr Marc approved

long time ago, and Mr Marc had forgotten that the doctor was Murray’s bosom friend. Soon, the psychiatrist received a

Murray,” the

forehead, thinking about Melissa

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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