Chapter 766

I know I'm wrong "Who is Melissa?"

Dark night's grandfather asked anxiously.

"She is the daughter-in-law of a wealthy family.She was awarded a flag by the police a while ago.What a great honor,"he said fiercely with so much anger, and asked Dark night to raise his hand.

"You are an ordinary little boy, and you are competing with such a person of fame and prestige.You are lucky nothing out of the ordinary happened because I wouldn't have been able to protect you," he ranted.

"I know I was wrong, I know I was wrong,"

Dark night cried and said, but the old man refused to listen, and flogged Dark night's palm with the cane in his hand.

"Hold it up well, and don’t eat anything for the next four hours," the old man said.

Hearing this, Dark night wanted to explain, but was frightened back by the old man’s angry eyes.

Soon, the old man found a surveillance camera and placed it in front of Dark night.

"Watch it closely for me, I'm going to Melissa’s house to make amends.If she refuses to forgive you, I can’t help it!" he said.

After speaking, the old man left without looking back.

According to the information provided by the police, the old man quickly found the place where Melissa and Murray lived.

He also took some high-quality local treatment medicine and materials with him.He heard from the police that Melissa's health was not very good.

In this way, he had a chance at earning her forgiveness as he had something valuable to offer her in return.

Soon, Murray came to open the door.

"Ah, hello hello," the old man said cheerfully as he glanced at Murray standing in front of him.

"I’m Daphne's grandfather...oh, I beg your pardon.I’m Dark night's grandfather," the old man said.

He explained, and Murray looked at the old man up and down before letting him in.

"It pains my heart to hear that my grandson did something like that, so I brought some herbs to see Mrs.Melissa," the old man said.

that it was for Melissa,

you.We have a doctor,"

"I know, I know."

old man

feel guilty.My grandson did such a terrible thing,

up his medicine "Sir, you can check my reputation here.My medical skills are mediocre, but if nothing else, I often do things like doing good deeds and accumulating virtue, because of these things, there are also many patients who have experienced

to sell

even he had heard about it from his staff.He was naturally very skilled in

ago, Murray was going to find

you want

heard Murray's question, he started to promote

my grandson make amends.If you don’t mind, sir, you can show me Mrs.Melissa's condition,"

and pointed to Melissa, who was asleep

old man nodded and stepped forward to

a long time, the old

been greatly stimulated in the past two days, and her

speaking, the

to help

his medicine and developed several kinds of tonics for

herbs have great effects when combined.It is the best in making the body feel relaxed and recuperate from stress," the

as Melissa's body was getting better, he didn’t have anything to worry

to improve under the support of the old

had not completely recovered and she

of the old man healing Melissa via his local ways, and educating Dark night on what he did and how it gravely affected Melissa

to all the netizens.These days, because of my illness, I have made a profound mistake.I would like to apologize to everyone here," Dark night

Night Apology"

people who didn’t appreciate

Soon, Alice responded.

know what's wrong are right to have taken a stand against this.Since Dark night can recognize his mistake, then I will not

meant that Alice generously forgave what Dark night

these words came

has a broad heart, it is hard not to admire him," a netizen

a fan of Alice after reading his works.I really like his

such a mind.Plagiarizing such a big thing must have made Alice very uncomfortable

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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