Chapter 844 The Peak Showdown

Melissa was very stoic as she observed everyone. She noticed Anthony’s rival. He didn’t look like much and he paid her no attention.

Jill and Melissa sat in the audience to support Anthony. They ignored the people trying to fawn over. Melissa was more interested in seeing Marion, who finally made an appearance after hiding for many years.

“When did you meet so many handsome guys and why didn’t you introduce me?!” Jill questioned, looking at Marion.

Jill in the past was not interested in these things at all.

Melissa deliberately joked, “Aren’t you afraid that Anthony will become jealous?”

Jill leaned shyly on her shoulder.

“How did you find out?”

“I’m not blind yet, you two are so blatant. I’d be blind not to notice!”

Jill was like a different person after seeing Anthony. She seemed to glow when she was around him.

Melissa used to think she would never settle down, but now it seems that she just hasn’t met the person who belongs to her.

At the beginning of the game, Marion was very fair and did not give the newcomer any chance to refute at all. It was completely from an objective standpoint.

This made the audience applaud.

The two started at the same time, but Anthony finished before him. The newcomer hadn’t even opened one program on Anthony’s computer.

In this way, it was announced by Marion that Anthony was the final winner, and there was no possibility for newcomers to interject at all.

say a word, and could only look at the honor that originally belonged to him and re-issue it to

Anthony, after accepting the award, did not step down directly, but looked at

of Anthony and held

behavior was identified and stopped immediately. We must uphold the

walked backstage and

to have a match

it was Anthony who insisted

found me, they already told me that Marion would come, so

he would

“Finally won, congratulations.”

so happy, and he won the match as

look forward

told you that Marion is here to participate in the competition, but

This puzzled Melissa.

the organizer

find out all the chat records with

got home, she forwarded the chat

was trying to do. I just wanted to be a referee because I didn’t trust

three matches, Melissa was first, Marion was second, and Anthony was third, which

but there is no profit in this

happy when he saw

thank you for

looking forward to a game with you, I

participate at the same

in the competition for a long

“I promise we will.”

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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