Chapter 845 Sarah is back

They’ve all met, Jill, and the first impressions were positive.

“Please don’t make fun of me; I don’t want to work in the entertainment business.” Jill outright rejected.

Having one family member was sufficient in the entertainment industry. She continued to favor flower stores.

The manager didn’t press the issue because she was aware of Jill’s thoughts.

“Boss, it’s high time we recruit some fresh talent. If not, we will be dependent only on our firm, and those employees cannot handle such a heavy workload.”

While nodding, Melissa seemed to be thinking about something else as she stared at Jill.

“I’d better leave; if you keep staring at me,

She averted her head and walked away since she found Jill’s discomfort at her attention to be quite uncomfortable.

“What do you think about Murray, do you believe he might potentially be an entertainer?” This was a notion Melissa has long had.

The manager sipped some water, and refrained from speaking after hearing this.

“If you get the chance, go ask Murray; perhaps he will agree.”

They would be responsible for their own attraction of much good and evil if they had dared to pose this inquiry.

“Please pardon us, boss. It’s not a joke, folks. Why would a major corporation like Gibson Corp decide to get into the entertainment industry? Already, his standing exceeds that of an entertainer.”

Melissa snickered at them before promptly firing them for being incompetent. Several managers departed after receiving the news.

And during this time, she didn’t visit her business not once. Melissa ultimately decided to visit the Murray company after much consideration.

didn’t let anyone see her when she emerged directly

room by the secretary, who forbade

Gibson, I apologize. Mr. Gibson is in an important meeting, negotiating a contract.


hurriedly came sprinting out after the secretary informed him

here, and why

a kind secretary take care of you

is a note of bitterness in Melissa’s

as busy at work!” Murray responded as

secretary hurried over as soon as the

is downstairs,

this. Melissa immediately let go of his hand and inquired, “What’s the matter? He’s not coming, is he? Did you not

Murray said gently. “I’m worried

had to be escorted to a small conference room first since keeping Mrs. Gibson standing

was in one of the conference rooms that was the furthest away

older now that she

you doing here?” Murray

here? What law prohibits a mother from visiting her son?” Mrs.

you once more, right?”

been eliminated. Do you believe I can endure? Without Mr. Marc, I’m afraid I would currently be


you and my grandchild.” Mrs. Gibson reduced her posture at this

uncomfortable manner

about my grandchild, don’t you remember how I lost

put her anger and bitterness aside as soon as she saw

“You let me go.”

her away and Murray stepped in front of

kids well,” she said. ” My previous behavior was improper.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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