Chapter 846 Let it be

Harley didn’t want to believe the truth. He grabbed the phone and stared at the two people in the photo, “Impossible! It’s impossible!”

Seeing Tom wrapping around Nina’s waist and holding her arm tightly, their demeanor was so intimate that they looked like a loving couple.

Harley’s eyes were dark and sullen, and his body began to tremble uncontrollably.

Seeing his emotions, Sylvia smiled smugly and couldn’t help but fan the flames of Harley’s anger.

“Forget her. Nina is not worth your sadness. Now that she is with another man, she doesn’t even care about you.”

This sentence deeply bothered Harley. His breathing became more rapid, and his fists clenched unconsciously.

At this time, he was very conflicted. On one hand, he could not accept that Nina and Tom were together, and on the other hand, he was full of self-blame and remorse.

If it weren’t for that drunken sex, it wouldn’t have even gotten to this point.

Harley gritted his teeth, returned the phone to Sylvia, and said, “I want to be alone.”


Sylvia whispered his name softly.

“Don’t talk, I need quiet.”

Harley went back to his bedroom with a gloomy face.

Watching his lonely back drift away, Sylvia achieved her goal, and naturally, she was not in a hurry to catch up.

She frowned and asked, “Did you two

it’s not me who upset Harley,”

sound, Carlee’s expression became

went to Carlee to show the picture on

phone just now, and I came across a photo of Nina and a man on the Internet.

surprised to hear

widened her eyes and hurriedly reached out

asked, “Mrs. Timothy, do you really want to watch

to see this since Nina and

attitude, Sylvia handed

the pregnant

the side, he was very unfamiliar, but the two were of the same age and their manners

seeing the photo, Carlee’s color also sank, and she hissed, “I knew Nina was not good


I not? She’s a disgrace to

and angrily took her phone to find

slammed the door open and saw Harley sitting on the chair with

is. Do you still need to worry about

once again raised the photo to

turned to face the wall, and responded, “Mom,

can you

voice was like a volcanic eruption, standing beside Harley and shouting, “You

think the child may not be yours, she is just using you. Just dump her and marry

so excited that she almost dropped her phone

and pretended to comfort her. “Mrs. Timothy, please calm down. Harley will take care of this matter properly.”

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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