Chapter 15

Finally, twenty minutes later, they arrived at Royal Creek Institute. 

Royal Creek Institute was a century-old school with a solid background, its campus architecture majestic with a stone-carved gate of Hustuaburg’s characteristics. It looked classical and showed signs of age. 

As the car was parked in the parking lot, the three of them got out of the car. 

As soon as Nicole arrived, she felt that there were many girls secretly looking in her direction. 

“Please don’t mind. Those are all fans of the school basketball team who came to catch a glimpse of Samuel.” Spencer rolled his eyes at Samuel with disgust. 

“Who said that? Some of them are fans of your music society.” Samuel stared back unapologetically. 

Nicole did not expect that these noisy twins were so popular in the school. 

“I have seen Norah, but who is that girl?” 

“Could she be Samuel’s girlfriend?” 

“Huh? I envy her walking with them.” Many girls chattered among themselves. 

Norah’s face darkened. The person who had been envied before this was her Norah, but now, Nicole got all the limelight. 

expect these two brothers to be so popular. She turned her head and said, “Spencer, Samuel, thank you for

she had better keep a low profile,

said, pointing the way for Nicole.

guidance, Nicole quickly walked away from the two

went away because of your fans.”

was you,” Samuel retorted, not wanting

to be gentle and demure, Norah looked at the two of them and said, “It is almost time. I will

The two responded and also turned to

was curious, not knowing which class Nicole would go to. But judging by that hillbilly’s results, she was sure that Nicole

arrived at the headteacher’s

upon entering the office. “My name is Nicole. I was told by

Ms. Farrell, immediately broke out in a smile. “Mr. Ellison has instructed me to assign you to the best class. The two teachers of Class A and B will be here later. You

was a bit surprised, not expecting that Mr. Ellison would be so thoughtful, giving her the freedom to choose her teacher. She was

her and was quietly

used to be unenthusiastic about the first few children of the Riddle family. There must be more

not long before two teachers knocked on the

“You did not finish talking on the phone, Ms. Farrell. Did you say you were going to place a transfer student

Emerson, that student is right here.” Ms.

looked back and was

pair of bright, energetic, deep-set eyes. She was not inferior in any way to any girls from

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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