Chapter 16

Royal Creek Institute was a top education institution that had received all kinds of talented students. The teachers were the ones assigning a student to a class. There had never been a situation where students chose teachers and classes. Who was this student from the countryside? 

“Class B,” Nicole said casually. Ms. Emerson was wide-eyed instantly again. 

Compared to the hypocritical Mr. Kennedy, Nicole preferred the forthright Ms. Emerson. 

“Okay, then Class B.” Ms. Farrell nodded in agreement with a hint of flattering look in her eyes, which surprised the two teachers. They wondered who Nicole was that she could make the headteacher grovel. 

“Ms. Farrell, how can you let students choose classes?” This was unheard of. Class A and B were the best classes in the eleventh grade. 

“It has been decided, Ms. Emerson. Take Nicole to class.” Ms. Farrell looked a little displeased now and gave the order. 

“Ms. Farrell…” Ms. Emerson’s face turned pale. She did not expect that there was no room for negotiation. 

Mr. Kennedy smiled triumphantly and said, “I will go now, Ms. Farrell.” 

Ms. Farrell nodded and sat down as if she did not want to waste time talking any further. 

Ms. Emerson bit her lip in frustration and turned to look at Nicole. “Let’s go!” 

Nicole followed her out of the office. Ms. Emerson walked quickly to the classroom in her high heels, as if she was eager to shake her off. 

stopped. “I don’t care who you are. Since you have chosen my class, don’t drag my class down with you. I want you to catch up

Ms. Emerson turned around and

could not help but raise an eyebrow. Why did this teacher think she would drag the class down? Just because she was from the countryside? She was slightly


Emerson was, she still introduced

an attractive young girl with exquisite facial features walk

moment, the class fell into silence before Bradley Robertson, a committee member of the sports club, stood up and clapped his hands.

together. They were delighted to

Gary, look, there is a beautiful girl in

Gary Finley sitting in the

only interested in the hottest girl in

said Jack Pearson,

frowned when he heard Jack’s comment. His inky eyes then meet Nicole’s crystal-clear eyes.

a trace of arrogance and aloofness in her, which made

come she resembles Snow?” Wayne

said, “All

herself. “I am Nicole, a transfer student. Nice

to say a few more words, but Nicole did not. So, she said, “There is

some solid background to brag about. It turns out she can only sit in the third-to-last row.” Jack bemoaned. In

at the empty seat. Only then did Ms. Emerson start the lecture. Gary took a few more glances at Nicole and started to think Nicole looked somewhat like Raine Riddle and Snow Riddle,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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