Snow was cooperative. 

“Indeed, I can also tell that this should be Hablese coffee beans, and was probably produced last year. That’s why it is so fragrant and has a very strong coffee aroma.” Raine quickly nodded.

 “The roasting of this coffee bean goes through ten complex processes.” Everyone listened to them and nodded their heads in praise of their erudition. 

Seeing that they had gotten all the attention they wanted, Snow and Raine played humble, pretending that they were not seeking compliments, yet the smile on their faces had never stopped.

 Norah felt triumphant, too, after Nicole was ridiculed. Just as they were at it, sudden laughter came. Snow and Raine turned around abruptly, not realizing that Nicole was leaning back in her chair and looking at them with unbridled sarcasm.

Raine was the first to lose her cool. 

“What are you laughing at?”

“I laugh at you all, smart aleck.” Nicole did not want to intervene at first, but these people had jabbed at her. She was not going to take the insult lying down.

“Smart aleck? How dare you call us that, hillbilly!” Raine was pissed as no one at school dared to talk to them like this. She thought Nicole was too arrogant.

to see how the

her coffee cup and took a

coffee bean at all, but a new variety cultivated by a certain private estate in Floeze. It is

can even tell the roasting process.” Celia

looked at the time and walked over to their table. She pressed her hands on the

roasting process are you talking

disdain and scorn

brews a unique café au lait. I don’t know if you have heard of the principle that less is more. Often, the simpler the roasting method, the better the coffee, and coffee beans that have gone through over a dozen processes are probably just a pile

the three girls who spoke just now, they thought about it carefully. It

and Raine’s faces changed. They knew nothing about coffee and what

felt humiliated, but she was not going

This is clearly Hablese coffee. Don’t be a smart alec.”

coffee beans, and it is Floezen? I might as well say it is Esperian!” Celia came to her senses. Just then, Norah got up, pretending to worry about

know nothing, Nicole. They often drink

who knew nothing would think that what Norah said was more believable. After all, how many

then, a magnetic voice came.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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