Chapter 16 Why Don’t We Get the Divorce Licenses? 

Jordy grabbed her wrists and she couldn’t move,

Looking at the paranoid man in front of her, she sneered and said with a frown, “Mr. Collins, what are you doing?”

He was the one who wanted a divorce and wanted to be with Angela. Why was he doing this to her? Just because she had dinner with Jonathan?

She almost thought that he had feelings for her.

But she knew how hard the past few years were. She knew that she would never repeat her mistakes, nor would she think naively that she could make him love her.

She had given up.

no more affection for him in her eyes but all impatience, Jordy said to her in a cold voice with stern eyes, “Gloria, we haven’t got divorced,

one who is

in with Jonathan because of business

her face, as if he were

think I have gone too far, why don’t you give


teeth. Looking at the scornful look in Gloria’s eyes, he uttered a snorting laugh, “You think I don’t want to get the divorce licenses with

said in a flat tone, “Then let’s get the thing done

still feel terrible, but after being tortured and cold-shouldered by

he could eat her alive, and he grabbed her wrists more and

you hate me so

It hurt very much.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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