Chapter 21 Our Relationship Would End Badly

Gloria sighed, “Grandma… he doesn’t love me at all. You know that. If I stay in this marriage, he’ll get sick of me. I should divorce him. This will be the best for both of us.”

Gloria’s voice trailed off when the last few words came out of her mouth.

Karen felt sad and paled,

What a great granddaughter-in-law she is!

That bastard Jordy is gonna lose her!

Gloria insisted that she should divorce Jordy, and nothing could dissuade her from that idea. Even though

Karen liked her and wanted her to stay as Jordy’s wife, Karen had to stop being selfish…

Jordy never loved Gloria with all his heart. She had been living without him all year round. He never did his husbandly duty to take care of her. If they were forced to be together any longer, she would only get hurt.

But Karen could not bear to see them apart. She was feeling a storm of mixed emotions!

all she wanted to do was call

saying, “Gloria, hold


calm voice called out before Karen could hang up. Karen’s

taken care of me all these years, and I appreciate that. But… all good things must come to an end. Jordy and I can’t keep this marriage going, but that doesn’t affect

you, okay?”

hand holding the

to say. It took her a long time to speak in a sobbing

to let Gloria divorce Jordy. Gloria chuckled, “…why don’t you stop calling him? The marriage between

marriage going, it

fame and fortune

Karen would stand by and watch without blinking an

was why Gloria dared to

only respect your choice. Gloria, you’re a good girl. Leaving you is the biggest mistake Jordy has ever made. You’ll encounter a man 100 times better than him. You deserve to have a great relationship. Don’t

married into the Collins family, Karen had been the only one


Grandma. Thank you for

shook her head. “… don’t thank me. I really appreciate all the effort that

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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