Chapter 924 Jordy Was Jealous

Jonathan was rational, but he was still in a state of shock. Gloria’s excellence stunned him.

He looked at her in silence as if he didn’t know what to say.

If it were someone else, he might feel closer to her after knowing her new identity, but…

He felt that he was more unfamiliar with her every time he knew her new identity.

After all, she didn’t want to tell him her stories, which would only build up estrangement.

Jonathan said quietly, “You want me to talk to the White Group?”

“No.” Gloria took a look at him and said quietly, “I will tell the company about my new identity, and I will cooperate with your Brown Group. Moreover, I intend to take back my shares. The cooperation with you is a chip.”

known to the public, which needed a good start. Now the White Group was declining and had gradually lost its popularity. It was unfavorable to them. So she could only make herself more famous by cooperating with the Brown Group. She wanted people to know that she was a member of the White Group and that she was

a powerful cooperation for Jonathan. Poppy was influential after all.

an eyebrow as if he agreed with pleasure, “Of

princess. You just make your


words touched Gloria’s

one had been tense, he would

slightly, and she said with a smile, “Then

They clinked their glasses gently. The ringing sound was pleasant, like a victory drum. They were about to take the first

talked very happily.

were spreading everywhere.

on Twitter, and looked extremely cold!

by his gloomy aura, which

overtime felt chilly on their backs, as if they were going to

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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