Chapter 923 A New Identity

The look in Gloria’s eyes changed slightly, but she didn’t say anything.

She really didn’t want to say too much in this situation. If she did, she would only feel bad in the following conversation.

The car was moving forward.

Jonathan acted as usual. He stopped talking about the topic he just mentioned but talked about something else.

Soon, they arrived at the restaurant. After ordering the food, they talked about something serious.

Jonathan never urged her. Gloria spoke whenever she wanted to. It was her freedom.

He was like that. He had a strong aura, but he could adjust it according to the situation. Sometimes, he could scare people with his aura, while he could also be an elegant gentleman like now.

He was handsome, sincere, and caring.

this type, but… only Gloria didn’t like it.

the waiter went out, Gloria picked up chopsticks and took a small bite of the food. She felt

watched her eating slowly and gracefully. He smiled more brightly, “I hope we could be like this forever.”

thing but just looked at him and said

raised an eyebrow with a smile, “I’m

could always surprise him. He wanted to know how

calmly, “Do

“Yes, the most famous jewelry and fashion designer in the country, I tried

new suit and some jewelry, will you take it as my compensation

his lips seemed to stiffen at


and just curled

and looked at her carefully, “It’s really you.”

lip, “I’m sorry.”

for refusing his

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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