Chapter 635

Chapter 135 : Between the Dark and the Light


I ran my hand down Xander’s back, my thumb grazing over his spine. I could feel each vertebra clearly, and my heart sunk in my chest as I stepped closer to him, wrapping my arms around his waist.

“You need to eat more,” I coaxed, glancing up at him.

His eyes were on the water, however, and the port of Breles that was just visible on the horizon. His mouth twitched as he looked down at me, a look of understanding passing behind his eyes.

“Alma will make sure I’m fed, I assure you. She probably won’t let us leave until I’m back to my usual weight.”

I gave Xander a soft smile, and it was all I could muster. His nightmares the past week had lessened but weren’t gone entirely. Some nights he’d been able to sleep through the night without waking, but most of the time he tossed and turned, crying out in his sleep. I just laid there, being as still and quiet as possible so I didn’t startle him, and silently cried as he suffered.

At first, he’d refused to sleep in the same bed as me. We’d spent a few nights in Avondale looking for Oliver, but to no avail. Will hadn’t seen or heard from him, and to my surprise, both he and Hollis were torn to shreds about it. Hollis and I even spent an evening just talking in one of the sitting rooms at the palace, talking like the friends we used to be.

Grief has a funny way of pulling people together, I guess.

We’d been on the ship to Breles for three days. We should have been on land by now, but had to travel far north to skirt past a hurricane that was tormenting the narrow pass between the Isles and Breles. This boat ride was eating up the time we had to visit Crimson Creek. I was closing in on the eighth month of my pregnancy with every day that passed, and the babies in my family were always born a little early.

But my focus was wholly on Xander. We’d already fought over the way I was treating him and my constant hovering. He said I was driving him insane, and maybe I was. But he rarely touched his food and was sleeping like s**t, so what else was I supposed to do but constantly remind him to eat and shut his eyes?

Xander wrapped his arm around my shoulders as the boat pulled into the port. It was dusk, and the city was dark and empty beyond the port, which was still bustling with warriors. The war camp had turned into a village now, and I noticed women and children walking around. I wondered if people were starting to come back to Breles, to pick up the pieces and continue on with life.

I guess I’d find out.

We disembarked, Xander carrying the single duffle bag we were using to carry our things. Xander kept his arm around my shoulder as we walked through the camp, heading to an area where supplies were being sorted and driven from Breles to Crimson Creek.

We rounded a corner and I felt my breath hitch in my throat as I saw my dad talking with an unfamiliar warrior in the center of the tent-lined street. He turned halfway to us, and his face showed no emotion for a moment as he squinted into the sunset at our backs. But then he turned fully, his hands falling to his sides.

I ran to him, holding my belly as I struggled to keep my breath steady.

“Don’t–don’t run, I’m coming,” Dad said in a strained voice as he ran over to me, throwing his arms around me. “Are you alright? Your mom said you were coming here, but I don’t understand why.”

“I’m fine. We’re going to Crimson Creek to check in our friends,” I said into his shoulder. I let him go and stepped away from him, looking up into his face, but he was looking at Xander. “Dad,” I said softly, but his gaze didn’t falter. He continued to look at Xander, his eyes blank of any and all expression. “He asked me to marry him, and I said yes.”


“You told him no–”

soft smile touching his lips. It was gone in an instant. “He stopped

what did you

“I said no, again.”

he just tilted his head to the


me, Lena. You’re in control of your own life. You always have been. I just wish… I’m sorry I wasn’t strong enough to show you that from the

as I pressed my cheek

train leaving for Crimson Creek in a few minutes,” he said quietly. “You need to go now if you want to

“A train? How?”

few days ago. Everything is starting to feel a

group of civilians walked by carrying baskets of supplies. I watched them as they walked between a pair of tents toward

will be rebuilt. People can start coming home, soon, we hope…

arms, smiling. It was over. We’d made it through

nodding at my dad in greeting. Dad’s eyes hardened on Xander for

their relationship would need some work. But I could confidently say that they would have all the time

Xander and I walked on and eventually found the train station, which was the

as we waited to board the train, which was currently being stocked full of all kinds of supplies for

up at Xander, twisting my face into a


growled, then leaned down to kiss me on

were at once, you and Adrian. Adrian was walking around with a huge gash

that night. Barely,” he laughed. “Do you know how he got that

I thought it was

say Adrian and I had a great time pretending to be college students, but we were

and our intentions in Crimson Creek. The warrior peered around Xander to look at me, taking in my hair and the striking features I shared with my father and grandmother. He nodded, motioning for us to board one of the three passenger cars connected to the supply train. There were several other people

that we use one

No one answered, and he shrugged as he opened it and motioned me inside. “Special privileges come with my new

Alpha King,” I teased. I squeezed into the snug cabin, which wasn’t more than a bench that folded out into a bed and shelving on

sat down on the bed, signing with relief. My feet were absolutely killing me, and I knew they

“You okay?”

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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