Chapter 11

Lily was nervous, and her hands hung on both sides of her body as she unconsciously grabbed the sheets underneath her. She had heard about this on TV and read it in novels but was apprehensive.

Alexander attentively noticed her nervousness and looked at her tightly closed eyes, “If you‘re not ready, we can wait.”

Lily, trembling slightly, suddenly opened her eyes. She saw sincerity and respect in his eyes. The feeling of being cherished warmed her heart, and she shook her head and let go of Alexander‘s hand.

Then she raised her arm to wrap them around his neck. “I can do this! P–Please continue.”

too late. Lily curled her legs, grabbed a pillow beside her, and covered her face. She wanted

saw her actions. The burning flames in his eyes dimmed as he straightened up. He attempted to sigh but laughed instead. After a few


began to panic. The pillow fell from her face as she could no

Lily down. He removed the showerhead and adjusted the water temperature.

relaxed because the water temperature was just right as it flowed down her body. She had to admit that Alexander was very considerate and caring. It was

even more embarrassing matter occurred. She did not have any sanitary pads with her. She had been so busy with First Love that she forgot about her period.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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