Teacher's Girl (Aflyingwhale)

Chapter 63: Trust Issues 


"Will you marry me?"his words were ringing in my ear.

I was watching his expression, making sure that this was real and that he wasn't joking.

When I realized that this was, in fact, very real indeed, I asked him, "lan, what are you doing?"

He looked up at me with a puzzled look and said, "I'm asking you to marry me,"

He said it as if it was the most natural thing in the world.Like it was so obvious.

That made me flinch and I pulled my hand away in response.

"lan, you're the one that broke up with me,"

I stated matter-of-factly.

"You made me believe everything was over, and here I was, saying my goodbyes to you, and all of a sudden you asked me to marry you?"

"Yeah,"he said simply.

"What the hell is wrong with you?"

I almost shouted.

"I know it’s sudden, but I’ve been thinking about this for a long time.We don’t have to get married right away, it’s more of a symbolic thing,"he tried to explain, but his explanation made no sense to me.

"What in the effing hell, lan?"I yelled.


he got up to his feet and an irritated look was splashed across his face.

"Are you bipolar or something? What is this? What in the hell is going on?"

I was absolutely thrown off course.

I felt like I was being Punk'd and Ashton Kutcher would pop out with a camera from behind the couch.

"Do you not wanna marry me?"he spat.


"Are you in love with someone else? That kid Tyler?"

"What?!"my voice was seriously high pitched this time.

"Is that why you’re hesitating?"he asked again.

"lan, please stop talking,"I said with both hands raised in the air.

"Tyler has nothing to do with this.

You can’t keep doing things like this to me, okay? You broke up with me, you were the one that left me and said we weren't gonna work out, but now all of a sudden, this?"

"Emma...I..."that struck a chord in him, he couldn't bring himself to continue.

"Oh my God, lan! You're so dumb, you're doing it all wrong!"suddenly we heard a voice coming from the bedroom.

I whipped my head around and a familiar looking girl was standing at the doorframe.

"Hailey?"I gasped.

"Hailey, what the hell? I thought you left!" lan yelled.

"Can someone please tell me what the hell is going on here?" I said again.

excuse my brother.His way of going about this

said to me, and she turned to her brother and said, "I can’t leave until

don't need your

ignore him,"she turned back to me, completely

carrying that ring ever since Valentine's Day, he wanted to propose to you then.He told me about your accident and he thought it was all his fault.He thought he was bringing pain and misery into your life.He thought staying away would be the best thing for everyone but it just ate him up on the inside.This is his way of telling you that’s made a dumb choice.So please, just take a deep breath and listen to

a glimpse of lan’s eyes and I knew she was

it true?"I

"What?"he asked.

that you've

it was a wise choice at

"What changed?"I asked.

realized we're out of time now.You're gonna leave and you'll forget all about me.And to live in a world where a girl like you exists and I chose to let you go, that doesn’t sound like living at

took a step back and

and scared, but he was also being

that I had hoped to see

me, not

have to tell you,"he said again, pausing for a

I love you and care about you.I don't know what the future will be like

a plan for that.That was all I ever wanted.But then he broke my heart and my dreams went down the drain.It was the worst thing ever and I didn’t wanna handle anything like

my mind all made up that I was gonna say my final goodbye

place, "I'm gonna need some time to think about

he nodded his head in agreement and said, "I know it’s a lot.You don’t have to say anything right now, take

was awkward being

this was just a crazy dream and I would wake up to my mom screaming

standing somewhere in the

me with his hands in

was staring

to go,"I said finally and turned to my

it,"lan stopped my tracks and handed me


it, you can give it to me then,"he spoke again before

to get out of there as soon as I could, so I didn’t think too much about

from him and said,

the door, lan spoke again,

one more time and gave Hailey and lan a nod


lan’s apartment, I drove straight to the party at Madison's

there, the party was

kids were in attendance,

last high school party ever, obviously everyone

guys will not believe

pulled Tiff and Carrie away from the crowd of partying seniors as soon as

plastic cups in their hands, filled to the brim with some alcohol concoction

with a bunch of guys, so this was the


"What?!"Tiff yelled louder.

an emergency!"I screamed to

around and there were too many people near us, so I pulled them both all the way

front yard, and we kept walking until we

is it?"they asked

waiting for me inside,"Carrie

waiting for Nick, he says he’s

and made

crossed their arms


my jeans pocket and said,

dropped in

wide as saucers and they were waiting for

I just nodded my head firmly, making

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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