“Once more!” Cole exclaimed furiously. He charged forward a second time.

Once again, it was a muffled sound that reverberated across the plaza.

Those at the side hurriedly took a few steps backward, lest they become collateral damage.

The power unleashed by both parties astounded everyone.

Melvin, Vermont, and the rest were all frozen on the spot.

They were taken by surprise. They never expected that Caspian would be so much more. powerful than Cole.

At first, they were anxious about the battle. However, Caspian only needed one move to convince everyone that he was way stronger than Cole.

Aster and Avery looked at each other.

Both of them looked utterly shocked.

They had always thought that they were strong. Witnessing Caspian’s combat skills was a humbling experience.

Half a minute later, someone was thrown out.

When the people looked closer, they realized it was Cole.

He started throwing up blood. His face had been disfigured.

One look at his face and they could tell that Caspian had caused him great pain.

When faced with Caspian, the venerable master of Galecrest did not even have a chance to fight back.

If they had not seen it with their own eyes, they would not have believed his deftness.

“Master!” Night Shadow ran up to Cole immediately to give him a hand.

Cole staggered backward before he finally regained his balance.

He just stood there and looked at Caspian, astonished.

“How are you so good? It’s not possible! You’re still so young! How could I not even compete. with you?” Cole said.

He had always assumed that Caspian was too young and would never be at his level no matter how skilled he was.

However, judging from the battle they just had, Cole realized that he was no match for


At that moment, Cole looked at Caspian with extreme fear in his

How could this matrilocal son–in–law be so young and powerful?

What could his real identity be?

Cole was brimming with questions.


your mind? Will you surrender or die?”

never surrender!” Cole proclaimed

Shadow and

He drew another knife out. It was

with a dark green substance.

was to be nicked by the blade, there would only

to take your life!” Night Shadow yelled as he ran toward Caspian with the knife. gripped tightly in

vanished like a

Everyone watching was shocked.

“I didn’t kn

stealth!” Caspian said as

Shadow was not a simple fighter. He actually utilized

had been lost for a long time. The timing was advantageous to

Night Shadow came prepared. Nonetheless, he only took advantage of the dark

just stood where he

his sleeves, it did not matter.


blade to Caspian’s

would be in danger if he

he was not going to do




of his knife was only a few centimeters


could already foresee Caspian’s

Galecrest would be saved. It was now

a death wish!

could be heard

He was frightened.

he turned to look, he found Sylvia rushing toward him with a scowl on


Sylvia was really powerful. It would definitely be bad

retrieved his hand to block Sylvia,

stop and went straight for Night

muffled sound, Night


his head started

thick blood gushed

felt an intense

in his head.

went black and

“Night Shadow!”

by the sight in front of

frontline with him. He was also his confidant and

had been killed by Sylvia, and she

shocked by Sylvia’s combat

Shadow was also an eternal grandmaster, so how could he not have been able

Sylvia still be so deferential


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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