The CEO’s Ex-Wife Is A Famous Doctor

The CEO’s Ex-Wife Is A Famous Doctor By LiLhyz Chapter 27

Chapter 27: Give Me A Chance

“Evan, son. Do we really need to go?”

Erick Thompson asked.

The Thompsons were in the car, heading their way to the airport. They were flying to Lockwood for the formalities of Evan’s

recently acquired property.

“Of course we do, Erick. Evan wants us to see his plans,” Clara said in the car.

“Please, father,” Evan said in a lifeless tone. “I booked a charter flight, so it will

be comfortable for everyone. I want you

to see the potential of the place.”

With a sigh, Erick answered, “Very well.”

Evan was on his laptop while in the car, reading emails he had missed the other day. Work had to continue for Evan, being the CEO of his father’s company, but it

was obvious that he was unhappy.

He lost that glow on his face. He let hist beard grow lengthier than usual, and his

eyes looked tired. It was clear to everyone how Evan still had not slept properly.

While reading one email, he noticed a familiar person walking down the street.

His eyes rounded, recalling how his private investigator could not find her

new address. She lived in the same city

but proved rather hard to find.

“Karise,” Evan said under his breath. His

heart raced, seeing hope at last.

“Stop the car, Howard. Stop the car!”

After the vehicle pulled over on the

sidewalk, Evan rushed out and chased

after Karise.

“Karise! Karise!” He called. “Please stop!

I need to speak to you!”

Karise heard and glanced his way. He saw

how her eyes rounded and how she ran in another area. “Karise! Please, stop!”

Eventually, Karise was out of breath, and Evan cornered her in one alley. Karise was taking deep breaths as she comforted her chest with her palm. She barked, What do you want, Evan?”

“Karise,” Evan was also panting. He moved toward her and pleaded, “Please, I beg you. I need to know where Shanty is.”

“Why? You are divorced! Let her have her peace!” Karise shot back. “She needs to

her life, Evan.

from her -“‘

miss her. I miss her so

to live through the

of her – I

beautiful face, the

not hesitate to let out

wrong to ask

I need her to

saw Karise was

you pushed her away,

she? Let her decide for

“Evan suggested.

what about Nicole?”

your way? Didn’t you

over the forced marriage thing, Evan. Tell me, what really went on with your head, huh? Did

the way? Did your fucking ego make you blind to see how great Shanty

Nicole! And fucking no! I never loved Nicole.

but he did not

explain it all – how Nicole turned out to be

Karise did not seem

know. 5

” My reasons were more

could not get over how my father pushed me into our marriage.

– I thought that being

be contented, but

I miss

tried to reach for her

firmly answered, “I don’t know where she

lying! You are her

rebutted. Then,

went down

know you are just looking out for

speak to her. I was wrong to let her

raised her voice and said,



“I’m sorry, Evan, but

know where Shanty

Evan held her

as Evan, but as an acquaintance who is regretful. No one is perfect, and I certainly am not. I beg you, give me

eyes and declared, “I love her, Karise. I know

Give me

prove it.”

won’t let me

her for me,”


down at Evan pitifully. She listened as he begged again. She thought about it deeply, but recalling Doctor Scott’s goal for Shantelle, she responded weakly, “I’m sorry,

better that

a divorce. It’s time to close that chapter of your life. She has moved

out in the same alley, and only then did she turn to check on him. She

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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