The CEO’s Ex-Wife Is A Famous Doctor

The CEO’s Ex-Wife Is A Famous Doctor By LiLhyz Chapter 33

Chapter 33: Surgery Needed

Evan left for Hamlin City the next day. Their financial business had expanded across the country, slowly opening branches in various cities. That day was their groundbreaking ceremony. Evan had to be there. and pretend to shovel some earth.

“Sir, um. Did you sleep at all?” James asked, observing him from inside the car. They were now driving out to the location of the site. “You should have taken the sleeping pills.”

“Two hours. I slept for two hours. I try not to be dependent,” Evan plainly said. “Did you take care of Miss Dones?”

“Yes, Sir. The Human Resource Department had already given her termination notice,” James said.

“She broke the number one rule, James. I don’t want to block women from working in my company, but you need to ensure everyone understands the consequences of breaking my number one rule,” Evan pointed out.

“Yes, Sir. My apologies,” James acknowledged.

“Hire more bodyguards if you need to.” Evan instructed. “I don’t want it to happen ever again.

Yes, Sir,” James repeated.

“How is your mother doing?” Evan asked out of the blue.

“Ah, the boss is still thoughtful, but not to the female population who want to break his number one rule,” James silently concluded. He smiled and answered. “She is better, Sir. Thanks to the supplement you gave her. She was very thankful.”

“Very good,” Evan replied.

successfully implemented the boss’ number one rule

made their way to the airport. Evan was not interested in

airport when Evan saw a girl with blonde hair. She had a figure similar to that of Shantelle. His heart raced at the possibility that he ordered the driver to stop. “Pull over!

pulled to a stop.

had the same hair and height but was nowhere near as beautiful

winked at him while blood

and walked back to the car, feeling

since Evan had seen Shantelle? Evan thought about it in silence while

been unsuccessful in finding Shantelle. After more than a year of utilizing his resources, from Keith to hiring a private investigator, he gave in, and accepted the unfortunate fate.

he felt. Now and then, he would ask his friend Keith if any hospitals had taken in Doctor

him down, but the pang in his

asking Keith about Doctor Scott, but it was as if time was playing a joke on him. Why was he suddenly reminded

Thompson was now thirty-four years old. Single and a multi-Billionaire. He is still the CEO of the Thompson Group of Companies and has accumulated billions of gains in favor of his company, but he was unhappy. Indeed, money could

James noticed his silence. He suggested, “Sir, do you want to give it one more try? We can hire another detective to

his fingers through his

Shantelle was already married? She may already

the only way he could get some rest now that Shantelle had unknowingly awakened Evan’s longing. He switched his mobile off, and after drinking

at Rose Hills late in the afternoon. When he turned his phone on,

the other line. “Your father is in the hospital. He fainted! Be here

of coronary blockage,” the doctor reported. His name was Doctor Cooper. “We have already tried medication, but it is not enough.

doctors here have the necessary skill to perform. We have a good general surgeon, but I have already brought up

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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