The CEO’s Ex-Wife Is A Famous Doctor

The CEO’s Ex-Wife Is A Famous Doctor By LiLhyz Chapter 34

Chapter 34: New Patient

“Happy Anniversary, grandma & grandpa!” Lucas greeted, carrying a cake early in the morning into the dining room. Behind him was his mother, Shantelle.

“Happy Anniversary, mom and dad!” Shantelle greeted.

Both Shantelle and Lucas kissed William and Eleanor on the cheek. Shantelle then gave an envelope to her father, saying, “As promised, your anniversary trip!”

“Anniversary, trip?” Eleanor’s eyes widened in surprise. She turned to William, asking. “Had you known all along? So that’s why you took a two-week leave?”

“Three weeks,” William corrected. “And yes, I could use a vacation. It had been so long.”

“I don’t know if I can. Who will take care of Lucas?” Eleanor said with a worried expression on her face.

Shantelle felt guilty altogether. It was because of Lucas that her parents gave up on taking breaks. She went on several years straight, focusing on her studies and residency, that her parents had to see through. Lucas’ needs.

“Mom, I can take care of Lucas, please. Then, the maids can attend to him if I have an emergency surgery.

Shantelle combed Lucas’ hair with her fingers, saying, “He isn’t a baby anymore.”

“Right, I’m not a baby,” Lucas said back.

“You deserve a vacation, mom. Besides, the tickets have all been paid for,” Shantelle insisted. “It’s a two- week Antarctica cruise. You can’t miss out on all the whales and penguins!”

“Whales? Penguins? I wanna come! I want to come too, mommy!” Lucas expressed, and they all laughed.

“Honey, you can’t. You have school, and mommy has a lot of work. Shantelle pinched Lucas’ cheek and said, “Please, don’t leave mommy behind. We will go together, one day.”

“Promise?” Lucas sought.

Shantelle raised her hand and answered, “Promise. One day. Now, let’s hurry up with your breakfast. I’m taking you to school today.”

Lucas asked in surprised,

work starts at five. In fact, I’ll


school! I’m going to introduce you to

Lucas prepared for school. They

working for two days straight, taking Lucas to school was a rare. moment, and Shantelle knew she

and son arrived at the school gate. Shantelle gave Lucas

her son and suggested, “Learn, make

He hugged Shantelle and said, “I will.


Lucas’ classmate greeted him, “Lucas! Is

came up to

girl pointed to her parents and said, “That’s

Another friend of Lucas greeted. A young boy

grandma is going on a vacation, Adrian. My mommy brought me to school, instead,” Lucas happily responded and proudly held Shantelle’s hand. He added, “She is

The boy named Adrian said. “I wanna be a doctor

time, Adrian. Go inside,” a man behind

and told Lucas, “That’s my daddy. He builds things. He’s great! We play cars together,

nice,” Lucas said, and immediately, Shantelle saw how the smile on his face faded. It appeared to her that Lucas purposely waited for his classmates to go inside

her spew. She forced a smile and took a deep breath. For a moment, she looked away. Then, she returned her regard to Lucas. She said, “I’m sorry, Lucas. I’ll tell you about your father soon. Not now. You still need to go

daddy? When are you going to

weekend,” Shantelle said. “Let’s talk about it this weekend, okay? When you are

Lucas said.

and waved goodbye before he rushed into the school building. From there, Shantelle saw how he entered his classroom, which fortunately was

said the name she had avoided all these

possibility that Lucas would only get hurt. Evan could be married to Nicole by

rejects Lucas?

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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