The CEO’s Ex-Wife Is A Famous Doctor

The CEO’s Ex-Wife Is A Famous Doctor By LiLhyz Chapter 36

Chapter 36: Are You Married?

Evan’s heart swelled with pride, seeing this different side of Shantelle. This had always been her dream, and she finally achieved it.

His ex-wife was now a doctor.

Shantelle looked more sophisticated. She was confident, and she commanded the nurses with conviction. She moved around the emergency room like it had been her home for many years. Immediately, he wondered, ‘How long has she been working for this hospital?”

Evan felt heaviness in his chest. Seeing her again, all the years of longing came rushing back. So many years had been lost, and many efforts had gone to waste. Who would have thought that he would still get this chance? Now here she was, right in front of him.

Recognizing the changes in Shantelle, Evan wondered what other changes had happened in her life. Could Shantelle be single? How will he approach her? As a friend? Or should he pour his heart out?

Finally, when their eyes met, he thought this was his opportunity. She stilled and studied him for a second. She recognized him, and he felt it deep in his bones. Evan was about to approach her, but sadly, she was back to attending to her patient’s needs.

Thus, Evan remained rooted to the floor, his eyes never leaving her.

After what felt like an eternity, he saw how she was walking his way. Shantelle stepped out of the

emergency room. He tried to meet her eyes, but she was looking for someone else.

“May I know who are the relatives of Mister Gonzales?” She asked. Her voice seemed angelic in his ears.

“Here! I am his mother,” said a Hispanic woman, who was coincidentally behind Evan.

Immediately, he turned his attention to the patient’s mother. The closer he was to the woman, the closer he could get to Shantelle.

Shantelle ignored him and merely spoke to the woman. “My name is Doctor Shant. I am a surgeon at this hospital. Your son has massive internal bleeding in his chest walls due to blunt force trauma. We need to operate on him -”

The mother wept. Saying, “Oh, my god! We don’t have enough insurance coverage. How are we going to pay for this?”

That took Shantelle aback, but she assured the woman, “Misses Gonzales, our hospital can arrange suitable payment terms after the operation. For now, your son needs immediate medical attention. So you know, the operation will only require a minimum invasion-”

“Is there any other way?” The woman said. “You don’t understand. We are drowning in debt. My husband. had just recently been to surgery, that’s why-”

“Mrs. Gonzales, our hospital will arrange something for you. Please give us the authorization so we can proceed with the operation. Your son needs it urgently,” Shantelle urged.

Evan was somewhat irritated. What could be more critical than saving this woman’s son that she would think twice about agreeing to the operation? More importantly, he felt the woman was dragging Shantelle from doing her job. He did the impossible, saying, “I’ll offer you a charity case. In return, I hope your son can consider working for me.”

man better have

he got Shantelle’s attention, and he rejoiced inside. She turned to him and looked him in

sparkling blue eyes were so beautiful. Oh, how he missed looking at this

you?” Misses

am. Just know that I am good for it,” Evan

“If, after the operation, you are still not in terms of the hospital’s payment options, you can be assured

sight. After Shantelle got authorization from the patient’s mother, he followed her to the operating room. He did not care how long it

Shantelle was performing a video-assisted surgery. While an assistant surgeon held a tube camera, she navigated

while searching for the source

Shantelle remarked, shaking her head as she

that handsome man outside,

I know,” she plainly

Doc,” the female assistant

prepared to leave. She gave the job of closing the

laughed. The nurse said, “Say hello to Lucas for me,

stepped out of the operating room and saw Evan waiting for her. She froze and studied him.” Why is he

He had a wedding ring on. What made it strange was how the ring looked like their wedding ring. ‘So he is married. Could he have ordered the same wedding ring

he would get the same wedding ring for him and Nicole. Of course, she considered how she


with how she addressed him, but why not? They were

I’m not just anybody. This is Evan. We’ve

too long for that

you, Shanty?”

it’s been too long for us to

I understand, Doctor Shant.


nearby and realized it was almost eleven in the evening. Lucas was probably waiting for her to say goodnight, and her personal mobile was in her office.”

giving him a chance to speak. She rushed to the lift and made her way to her office. She grabbed her phone from her bag when she made it in and called the maid, looking after Lucas. She did

please. Give the phone to Lucas,”

an emergency surgery. I’m sorry I didn’t

she know Evan had followed behind her. When he lost her at the lift, he asked around and

found Shantelle just in time. He saw her back while she was speaking to someone on the phone. That someone appeared to

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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