The CEO’s Ex-Wife Is A Famous Doctor

The CEO’s Ex-Wife Is A Famous Doctor By LiLhyz Chapter 35

Chapter 35: His Ex-Wife

Shantelle was getting used to her new schedule. For the past three days, she had been bringing Lucas to school. She had a few hours to rest at home before waking up again to fetch her son, and then she would go straight to work.

What she dreaded, however, was the coming weekend. She was going to tell Lucas about his father. Shantelle wasn’t sure if she was ready for it.

Shantelle had just arrived at the hospital. She rushed to her office when Eana, her father’s assistant, bumped into her.

“Shanty, there you are,” Eana called.

“Eana, I thought you were on vacation. Why are you here?” Shantelle sought. Because her father was always working over the past few years, Eana rarely took a break as well. Thus, now that William was on a three-week vacation, Eana also applied for leave.

“Shanty, I got a call from the Organ Center. They said a patient wanted to be reassessed. The patient requires a heart transplant badly. I left the file on your desk, and ah.” She pursed her lips, saying, “There is a representative from the patient already waiting for you.”

Eana shrugged and added, “I guess they could not wait.”

True enough, when Shantelle arrived at her office, a man in a black suit was waiting for her. The man said, “Doctor Shant, my name is Peter Haris. I represent the patient Briana West. I believe her profile is already in your hands.”

“I have yet to review it,” Shantelle said. “You can leave me your contact number, and I’ll call you when I am done.”

“This is a matter of life and death, doctor,” the man said. “Please, consider reviewing it… now.” The man was demanding, but Shantelle understood. She assumed the patient must be very sick.

It took half an hour for Shantelle to review the patient’s condition thoroughly. Finally, she remembered how the same patient had been admitted to the hospital several times due to congenital heart disease. It did look to Shantelle that the patient required an urgent transplant; however, other patients on the list were equally in need. Some were even in worse condition. Shantelle sighed and said to the man, “I’m afraid, based on my evaluation, Miss West will remain on the same waitlist.”

“Why? We have money. We can pay you to move it. How much do you want? How about five million dollars?” The man curtly said, and Shantelle had to stop herself from retorting in the same manner.

Haris, the organ list and priority is not about who is wealthier. It’s about who applied for the list beforehand and many other factors involved. Many patients wait for donors. In fact, an

I should tell you that Miss West’s boyfriend is a powerful man. You don’t want to make

back. “I should also explain that while I can recommend Miss West to be prioritized, this decision will be passed on to management and the Organ Center. Either way, they will nullify my proposal because they will see that her need is not as urgent as the other patients. More importantly, other patients above Miss West had been waiting for years. We can’t cut in the line just like

Please have Miss West take her medications as required and encourage her to follow a healthy diet so she may live long enough for a heart

with a firm stand. If only organs are readily available for all patients, then why not? However, there were not

one private suite at Warlington

a heart monitor, resting in bed while his wife,

attending doctors tomorrow. Doctor Hale is already off for today. My name is Mitch, and I’ll

Yesterday morning, he received a confirmation from Warlington Hospital, guaranteeing his father’s admission. Immediately,

and some laboratories to ensure he is ready for surgery. Once everything

settle our things,” Clara instructed. “Mrs. Shaw is here

She could buy medicines or food,

mother,” Evan said. “I will be back in the morning to bring

his mother before leaving. He made his way to the halls and instantly noticed a

“Code Blue Emergency Room.”

“Code Blue Emergency Room.”

calling names into the emergency room. He understood that a patient was having a cardiac arrest, and

got on the lift. On each floor

was an accident on South Road. A truck hit five cars. It was

Evan got off the lift on the ground floor, he called the hotel driver. James, his assistant, had booked a hotel car for their entire stay.

announcement caught his

You are needed at the

are needed at

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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