
Nathan opened the gate of the villa.

It was located on the top of Mountain Almonube and was known as the Almonube Palace.

“Nightking knows how to enjoy life. I’ll beat him up less to appreciate him for giving me this villa.”

A satisfied smile appeared on his face.

Rudolph “Nightking” Wolfgang was the most respected person on the Underground of Hechland. He used to serve in the military, and after he retired, he formed a massive organization to protect the country in secret. However, because of an accident, Rudolph went mad.

He started to attack his former comrades after killing all the enemies. In the end, a top fighter of Hechland captured Rudolph and sent him to Devendill Prison.

Rudolph was a legendary man admired by countless people, but he also made many of them feel sorry for him. But now, Nathan had become the new owner of this mysterious, two-billion dollars villa.

“Nathan, I’m sorry that Natalie was so naive and left you alone at the government office!”

“Don’t worry. I’ve already scolded her. Come back for dinner! Tell me the address, and I’ll ask the driver to pick you up.”

Before he could finish visiting the villa, Nathan received a call from Hector, which made him feel warm. And he also vaguely heard Natalie snort coldly.

Nathan didn’t ask Hector to send the driver. He chose a low-key Phaeton in the garage and drove to the Johnson family. The Phaeton was indeed low-key. A lot of people could recognize it as a 100 thousand-dollar Passat.

Jade arrived at Almonube Estate and parked in front of a villa. Then, she saw a Phaeton coming down from the top of Mountain Almonube.

“Huh? It’s him?” Jade was shocked.

it?” Brinn

from the villa at

and shook her head. “You’re seriously injured by

but didn’t get it. I think it’s because you’ve been

nodded to agree with Brinn. It was impossible for a prison guard to afford Almonube Palace. She was a Lieutenant General, but she still couldn’t

the wine was fragrant, and the dish had a dark red

my vintage

the color is wrong! The so-called vintage wine must be fake! I don’t think we can eat it,” Luisa said unhappily, “What a shame! Your son-in-law sent you fake wine on his

“Just throw it

guy; the others must have fooled him. Keep the dish, and

frowned and said, “Brett will be here in a while. Do you think

finished speaking, a man of the same age as Hector walked in with a

my old friend, Brett! If he is in a good mood, he may gift you his painting which is worth a lot!”

Hechland. He was experienced

as soon as Brett sat down,

said, “Hey, wait! I remember that braised oxtail is your signature dish! Why

“What are you talking about, Brett? The wine in this braised oxtail is wrong. It’s a fake wine sent by Nathan, who has

the dish, and his expression suddenly changed. He hurriedly pressed the pot in Luisa’s hands on the

was shocked at this moment and

up his fork and tasted

it out… What if you get sick? If you like it,

silky, smooth, and the aftertaste

Johnsons were stunned

owes you 20 million dollars, right? Why are you wasting this extremely expensive vintage wine?” Brett stomped his feet

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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