Nathan declined Hector’s invitation to stay overnight and returned to Almonube Estate.

As soon as he stopped the car, he felt someone was watching him.

Nathan frowned and said coldly, “Come out!”

Several men appeared around him, and each seemed like a cruel beast.

“Your relationship with Jade seems to be very unusual. Kneel right now, or we’ll break your limbs before we take you away.” A man said slowly with a cold and evil tone.

When Nathan heard Jade’s name, he felt annoyed and shook his head. “I have nothing to do with her. You better not mess with me.”

“You are just a prison guard, how dare you be arrogant in front of us! We are the four greatest fighters of Terror!” The man laughed and walked toward Nathan, then, he suddenly reached out to grab Nathan’s throat.

Nathan shook his head. This man was so weak that any prisoner in his prison would beat him up easily.

Nathan blocked the man’s fist and ignored his shocking expression. He struck them and brought all of them down in a heartbeat.

“I hate troubles!” Nathan shook his head and threw their bodies down the cliff.


A moment later, Jade tracked the bloodstain to the bottom of the cliff, where she saw four bodies that she could hardly recognize.

“They were Terror’s greatest fighters who troubled us a lot, and we haven’t been able to arrest them…”

When Jade saw the four corpses, she was deeply shocked. And she was even more shocked when she saw briefly that these four people were beaten to death and thrown down the cliff.

“Who would be this powerful to kill all of them? Their blood is still warm, which means they died not long ago. But I didn’t notice the fighting.”

Jade’s eyes were full of solemnity, because the man who killed them was stronger than her!

of Mountain Almonube thoughtfully and made a call. “Find the person who lives


following day, Nathan received

and this relationship needs to be consolidated. She invited a few friends to a sports club today and will introduce them to you. Tell me your address, and I’ll ask

“Okay,” Nathan smiled helplessly.

Hector’s kindness, so

and Natalie came

him from head

prison guard with a good figure. He’s not good-looking or influential, how can he be Natalie’s

best friend, Hannah,” Natalie sat in

smile, Nathan stretched out

in the car! Mr.

and it didn’t take long for

here!” Several

front was tall and handsome, he

Nathan came out

is this?”

nobody,” Hannah nodded to

at Nathan and found nothing special about

could he dare to

like this, don’t take it

but was too

we’ll treat you as a friend,” Luke said

about Nathan and thought he was just an ordinary, useless man who could do nothing without his wife’s wealthy

learn to fence? I won the third runner-up at the National Fencing Fans Conference, and

you take back the 20 million owed by Negino Commerce. I’m working on

worry. Although the Negino Commerce is rich and influential, I can still ask them to do me

with a hint of joy in her

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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