Another bad news came when they came back to the company.

The business department manager reported that cooperation between the hospitals of Mimar City and Poly Capital was impossible.

Hannah said with a dark face, “How dare they do that? ”

Nathan said calmly, “We don’t know the details yet.”

Not long, they knew that most of the big hospitals of Neva Province had reached an agreement with another company called Wonder Pharm.

It was Noah Park who controlled this company.

“Noah?” asked Nathan, who sniffed and shook his head.

“Did you offend him ever?” said Hannah as she glanced at Nathan.

Nodding, Nathan said, “I asked someone to beat him, which should be the reason for what we are experiencing.”

Frowning, Hannah said, “The background of Noah was beyond imagination. Besides, this man is one important guest of Neva Province. All in all, we are in trouble.”

Poly Pharmaceutical could not run successfully, Wendy would lose a lot of money. Although Wendy could afford that, the ruin of the plan really discouraged

with us. However, a county hospital is not enough at all. Our men are trying their best to reach an agreement with other hospitals, but I think it will be difficult since someone is setting us up. Besides, Samuel Hood, the

the contract could not meet

them to calm down, and asked

the director what they

of Wonder Pharm… After all, they are foreign investors, and Park Group is helping them by offering cheap imported drugs, which made them so advantageous. Plus, Noah is investing something in the Neva Province, so I can’t do anything to him…” With a bitter smile, the director said after

could let others disappear easily, but foreign investors were different, besides, Noah did contribute to

Harry to cooperate with

a smile, “I understand, and

hospital as long as Wonder Pharm

Nathan, who tried to appease

at ease?” asked Hannah

into Poly Pharmaceutical, so


Long time no see, Mr. Evans,” said Noah with a

meet you again, Korean…” greeted

way Nathan called him, Noah tried to hold back his emotion and said, “Mr. Evans, is there any problem

said without hesitation, “Of course, we have put so much money into our company, but we can’t make money since we have not reached

honesty, Noah was cheerful

however, things changed at this moment. If big orders didn’t show up, Poly Pharmaceutical would be gone

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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