Hannah could do nothing to fight back. After all, she could not beat him because of what he said, needless to say, he was a foreign investor. Only people like Vinogradov could do that.

Looking at Nathan with pride, Noah just wanted to humiliate Nathan, especially when Noah had the upper hand.

“As one old saying goes, a great man knows when to yield and when not. What’s your answer? Do you think you are better than famous people? Kneel down now! Then, you will get big order!”

Knowing that Nathan would never kneel down, Noah just wanted to humiliate Nathan in this way.

“A person of high position is liable to be attacked, Mr. Park,” said Nathan with a smile. ”

“Well, let me see what will happen!” said Noah, who burst into laughter.

Nathan said in peace, “How about gambling? The stakes are twenty million dollars. I bet we will sell more goods than you this month.”

Noah said with a cold face, “Alright! I will bet with you!”

What they did caught the attention of so many people in the Administration.

The gambling shocked all the people there. They believed Nathan would lose as a fool.

After all, Wonder Pharm had gotten the most orders, so it was no wonder that they would think Nathan was crazy.

Evans, calm down. Don’t waste your money!” said a leader of the Drug Administration in a low

please persuade Mr. Evans not to do that,” said someone else to

Hannah chose to believe Nathan without reason. She believed that Nathan would not do that if he didn’t prepare well. Even though it was hard for Nathan to find a solution since Wonder Pharm had gotten the most orders. Unless he could offer


the protection of

Noah could offer cheap imported medicine,

am sure Mr. Evans will

so well, but they all didn’t believe that Nathan

all are

“That’s not

“Well? You change your

reach an agreement,” Nathan said with a


because they didn’t expect

not a small number

to do something in the next Province,

you are

many times, even though when I am

tried his best to stop him from saying dirty

nearby frowned at what Nathan

they signed the agreement, and each of them had a copy. Another copy

agreement comes into effect now, and the deadline is the first day

Hannah, but he couldn’t change the mind of Nathan,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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