Trapped By Tainted Love

Chapter 48: Rachel Was Sick 

"If you can't do it, I'll give someone else that position of yours," Victor said with a stern face.

After hearing him say that, the incumbent planning director's face paled.

Hurriedly, he said, "Mr.Sullivan, I promise I'll hand in a perfect proposal before you get off work today."

Afterwards, he hurried towards the door clumsily carrying all the documents.

Just when he was about to open the door of the office, lvan came in.

"Ivan," he greeted.

After that brief interaction, he walked out of the office without waiting for Ivan to respond.

From the corner of his eye, lvan could see that the planning director's back was drenched in sweat.

And seeing him bolt out of the room like a bat out of a cave, lvan was not surprised.

Victor was a perfectionist, and work was his top priority.

Not only was he strict with his own work, but he was also critical of his subordinates' performance.

He wouldn't allow the slightest mistakes at all.

Thus, people began to say that if someone were to get a job in the Sullivan Group, they would either be burned out or die from exhaustion due to Victor's obsession with perfection.

But even so, the company was one of the top five corporations in the world.

That reputation alone was alluring enough to make people willing to kill for a job there.

"Mr.Sullivan, the meeting with the American branch is about to start."

lvan handed in the documents needed to be checked and signed by Victor.

Victor opened one of the folders, and when he finished reading and was about to sign it, he suddenly remembered something that the planning director said earlier.

"What's going on in the archive room?" he asked.

"Since when did the planning department have so much time to waste sorting out tons of documents themselves? Tell Rachel that if she can't do her job, she should just resign immediately! The Sullivan Group has no room for useless employees!"

"Actually, Mr.Sullivan, Miss Bennet is sick.She hasn't been to work for two days," Ivan replied.

Indeed, Rachel was feeling under the weather.

Not long after she returned home that night, she collapsed on the sofa and fell asleep at once.

had cooked something

of the kitchen and was about to call Rachel, she saw her sleeping on the living room

beads of sweat continuously

touched Rachel's forehead and instantly gleaned that Rachel had a high fever; her body was burning hot! Wasting

Bennet! Wake up! Miss

hear Abby but not enough to make out what she was talking about.She just thought that it was so noisy that she frowned and

that, Rachel

the time she woke up, it was already the

and a chilling breeze came in from under the

exhausted, Rachel instinctively touched her forehead, only to realize that there

got up while removing the towel

her eye,

arms were folded, and her face was resting against

Abby had

a basin of cold water beside

from what Rachel had seen, it appeared as though Abby took care of her all night, and had just

look like Abby was at peace while she

from her body and

blanket cover her, she

about Rachel's health, so even though she had fallen asleep, she made sure not to

Miss Bennet! You're finally awake.I'm

sat upright, her creased

Rachel chuckled.

"Did I wake you?"

"No, ma'am, you didn't."

shook her

or feeling any discomfort at all? Would you like

a lot.I don't feel any discomfort, but I

"That's great to hear!"

that, she used a thermometer to measure Rachel's body

found that her temperature had returned to normal, Abby felt

Bennet.When I came out of the kitchen, I saw you

to drink an entire bottle of red

could only remember bits and pieces of everything that

coming down with a fever on her way home, and that might

after that?" asked

arrived a few minutes later.You had a really high fever, and I wasn't strong enough to carry you.Mr.Torres was the one who carried you upstairs.I helped

took the towel from Rachel's

and saw a box of ibuprofen and a glass

Andy was, something dawned

box of medicine, and asked, "Abby,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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