Trapped By Tainted Love

Chapter 41: Retreat And You'll Be Standing On The Edge Of An Abyss  

Ivy sneered, "I've changed my mind.Even if you get on your knees and beg me for forgiveness, I won't let Rachel off the hook.Just give up!"

Upon hearing that, Abby's face turned paler.

"How could you break your promise, Ivy?"

"So what if I break my promise? Is there anything you can do about it?"

The way Ivy said those words were filled with disdain and malice.

Ever since Rachel showed up, she hadn't said much.

She held Abby's arm, and felt that Abby was clearly trembling.

She then cast Abby a glance, and only then did she see that her clothes had coffee stains too; even more stained than the documents.

Abby's clothes were soaked, and due to how thin the fabric was, she could see her bare skin turned red after getting burned by the piping hot coffee.

It was apparent that Abby was trembling from the pain.

All of a sudden, Rachel's mood took a turn for the worse.

With a face devoid of emotion, she turned to Ivy and asked, "Did you spill coffee on her on purpose?"

Although she was asking a question, the way she said it made it seem like she was certain that Ivy did it on purpose.

The sound of Rachel's voice was so intimidating that it shook Ivy to the core.

"What...what are you trying to say? She's the one who bumped into me!"

Ivy stammered.Her face paled, and a look of guilt glinted in her eyes, but she quickly calmed down.

"Rachel, I was holding a cup of coffee, and your dog bumped into me.How am I the one to blame? You can't pass the buck to me with that baseless accusation!"

Every time Ivy called Abby her "dog", Rachel became more and more livid.

"Is that so?" she asked, averting her gaze from Ivy and looking at Abby.

"Abby, did you bump into Ivy on your own?" Rachel asked.


Abby lowered her head.

I want to teach you a lesson that hopefully will remain in your heart forever," Rachel

bring sympathy from others.It only makes people take advantage of your kindness, and make things worse.Take a step back, and you'll see the big picture.But if you take more than one step

head, and said, "Don't worry.I'll protect

"Miss Bennet..."

by Rachel's words, Abby could no

from those who have

her that tolerance

would only make them take advantage

Abby clenched her fists.

of this moment, she decided that she didn't want to

others from looking down on her was

way, she would be able

didn't do it," Abby said

Ivy directly

ran into me on purpose when she found out that I was here to deliver those documents.After that, she spilled coffee all over me, and

change in Abby's

seemed that Abby was a fast

she was much more sensible than

eagerly waiting for King of Hearts

she sneezed and cursed, "Who the hell is speaking ill of


right now," Rachel said to Ivy in

she chuckled as if she

Over my dead body! Rachel, you don't even deserve my apology, let alone this dog of

here? Why are you so noisy this early in the

of the blue, Alice

moment, she went

eyes lit up.She felt as if her savior had

explaining her side of the story, her eyes

really don't know what I did wrong, but Rachel is acting so aggressive.She keeps insisting that

eyes widened in

"You're lying!" she said.

glanced at Abby then turned back

I don't have a reason to antagonize her.It makes no sense for

was twisting the truth, Abby was livid.She clenched her fists, wanting to

held her wrist,

she looked at Alice and asked, "Are you sure you want to get involved in

on a fake

I'm a senior executive of the Sullivan Group.Matters

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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